Engine Design To Meet Future Emission Norms, Turbocharging And Downsizing Of Spark Ignition Engines. Alternative Fuels For I C Engines. Computational Fluid Dynamic Applications In Engine Design.
Tribology, Tribology of advanced ceramics & Nano Ceramics, Life Cycle Engineering
Computational Mechanics, FEM, Thermo elasticity and Second Sound Fracture Mechanics and Mat. Fat
Aircraft wing vibration, Smart Structures, Finite elements
Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer Augmentation, Design of Thermal Systems
Haptics and Control Systems, Robotics, MEMS Modeling and Simulation, Fuel Cells
Wear modeling, Materials, Tribology
Nano lubrication, Materials, Tribology
Tribology, Bio-materials, Friction Materials
Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Manufacturing Strategy, MCDM using fuzzy techniques, Maintenance Management, Quality Control, Project Management, Innovations & Entrepreneurship development, etc.
Smart Structures, Mathematical modeling
Tribology, Machining, Optimization and Modelling
Utilization of Biofuel in I C Engine. Engine Performance, Emission and Combustion Thermal Energy Systems
Biomaterials, Computational Methods, Thermophysical Properties
Friction Stir Welding/Processing, Machining, Optimization.
Desiccant Materials, Low and Medium Temperature Applications of Solar Energy
Microelectronics Package Reliability, De-lamination and Fracture Among Multi-layer Structures, Fracture Mechanics, Failure Analysis, FE Analysis, Cohesive Zone Modelling
Underwater Welding, Additive Manufacturing, UAV/Drone Technology
Friction Stir Welding/ Processing, Additive Manufacturing, Metal Matrix Composites, Material Characterization, Hybrid Manufacturing.
Manufacturing Technology, Nontraditional Machining Process, Plasma arc welding and cutting, Optimization processes
Computational Solid Mechanics, Fracture and Fatigue in Structures, FEM, XFEM, and Meshfree Methods, Large Deformation Analysis, Elasto-Plastic Analysis
Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, Active Flow Control, Synthetic Jets
Haptics, Robotics, Control Engineering, Optimization, Machine Learning.
0194-242-2032 info@nitsri.ac.in
Mon – Fri 9:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.
When one teaches, two learn Seminars A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others. Faculty Development Programmes