Applied Thermodynamics/ Steam Laboratory


List of machines installed in Steam lab.

Machine Name


Babcock and Wilcox Boiler Model:

A stationary water tube boiler featuring a water drum connected to uptake and down headers via a short tube. It's known for its reliability and efficiency in producing steam.


Lancashire Boiler Model:

A horizontal, fire tube boiler with two flues and a single furnace. It's designed to provide a large heating surface area for efficient steam generation, commonly used in industrial settings


Cochran Boiler Model:

A simple vertical boiler with a cylindrical shell containing a firebox. It's compact and efficient, suitable for small steam requirements, and widely used in small industries.

Lamont Boiler Model:

A forced circulation water tube boiler with a unique circulation system using centrifugal pumps. It offers high steam generation rates and is used in power plants and large industrial applications.

Locomotive Boiler:

A fire tube boiler used in steam locomotives. It has a cylindrical shell with a large firebox, providing ample heating surface for the production of steam for locomotion.

Separating and Throttling Calorimeter:

A device used to measure the dryness fraction of steam and determine its quality in a steam power plant.

Water Cooling Tower

Specifications: Heater 40kW, Dry and Wet Bulb Temperature Measurement : RTD PT-100 type Sensors

Diesel Fired Boiler:

A boiler that utilizes diesel fuel for combustion to produce steam. It's commonly used in areas where diesel fuel is readily available.

Steam Turbine:

A device that converts the energy of high-pressure steam into mechanical energy, often used to drive generators in power plants.

Refrigeration Test Rig:

An apparatus used to study the principles of refrigeration cycles and test the performance of refrigeration systems.

Air Conditioning Test Rig:

A setup designed to demonstrate the principles of air conditioning systems and evaluate their efficiency and performance.