Mechanical Engineering Department

The Department of Mechanical Engineering offers a unique opportunity in terms providing first-class pedagogy and world class facilities for conducting cutting-edge research. Being one of the oldest departments of NIT Srinagar, the department has evolved into one of the finest in terms of teaching curriculum and methodology supported by a well-organised and adequately funded research program. We have a very well-established B. Tech program complemented by three M. Tech programs in Mechanical System Design, Industrial Tribology & Maintenance Management and Thermal Engineering. The masters’ students are admitted on the basis of a valid GATE score, and some additional seats are reserved for meritorious sponsored candidates. The Research Scholars (PhD) are admitted to the department every year on the basis of a rigorous examination conducted by the institute. 

Our curriculum is designed to cater to the needs and aspirations of the industry, and our top class faculty ensures that the students acquire the necessary technical and decision making skills to be the leaders in the dynamic world of industry.

Our department is, perhaps, the most versatile in terms of the range of specializations of its faculty members. We have faculty members who specialize in Haptics and MEMS on one end to High-temperature Tribology, Manufacturing Strategies and Quality Control on the other. The traditional areas of Mechanical Engineering such as Machine Design, Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Sciences are also well-represented. The department has a very strong group working in the area of Friction, Lubrication and Wear, with state-of-the-art research facilities and equipment. Our academic curriculum has improved considerably with the passage of time. Regular Board of Studies meetings are conducted to remove any inadvertent deficiencies. Periodic feedback is taken from the students to improve the quality of the education imparted. Feedback is also taken from the visiting companies during the placement season to orient the curriculum towards the needs of the Industry. Specialized courses are floated to cater to the needs of the PhD scholars, preparing them for subsequent research.

We strive to produce engineering graduates of high quality who are team players, accountable, resourceful and above all, technically competent. I take this opportunity to invite prospective students to our department and benefit from our experienced and wonderful talent pool. Our faculty and staff, I am sure, will deliver with unmatched dedication and professional enthusiasm.


Prof. M M Wani

( Head of the Department )